One tried and true method for getting rid of your baby’s hiccups is with a good burping session.
There are a couple of ways to do this effectively: – Put baby against your body with their chin on your shoulder and gently pat and rub baby’s back. Try cupping your hand as your pat them instead of using a flat palm – Lay your baby on their tummy across your lap with their head slightly higher than the rest of their body. Gently pat and rub their back
When they suck on a pacifier, it can help relax their diaphragm which will cause the hiccups to stop.
Gripe water is a natural supplement that combines herbs and water to relieve gassiness and digestive upset in babies.
Rubbing your baby’s back can promote relaxation and may help their diaphragm ease more quickly (which will stop the hiccups!).
All material provided is for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Please consult your doctor.