Since they are sweet and juicy, fruits are generally well-received by babies as well. -Banana -Apple -Orange -Grapes -Lemon
All vegetables need to be steamed and cut into smaller portions as they will not be as soft as fruits. -Carrots -Beets -Peppers -Potato -Radish
Dried fruits tend to become a little hard due to losing their moisture so you want to make sure they are soft for your little ones by soaking them in the water. -Raisins -Dates -Dried prunes
You need to cook the meat properly and shred them before giving to your baby. Make sure there are no small bones. -Lamb -Chicken -Fish
Homemade goodies help you hand-pick the ingredients thereby creating a nutritional snack. -Homemade wheat bread -Homemade muffins -Homemade cakes
All material provided is for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction.Please consult your doctor.