Ultimate Postpartum Care Kit For Every New Mom

If you are expecting you probably have crossed off everything on your hospital bag and baby essentials checklist. But have you thought about your postpartum care kit?

I wrote this to cover everything you might possibly need to survive your postpartum period. You can think of this as an Ultimate Postpartum Kit.

You don’t have to buy everything on this list beforehand, but keep referring to this checklist and you can decide whether to buy or not later.

You are going to be in a lot of pain after giving birth to your baby. Please don’t be in pain and it’s ok to pop a few tablets to relieve the physical pain if you have to.

1. Tylenol

Arnica is meant to reduce swelling and promote vaginal healing after childbirth. Talk to your homeopathic doctor for dosage and usage.

2. Arnica

I felt intense uterine cramps after my second delivery and I felt it the most while breastfeeding my daughter. I used heat bags to relieve pain and it worked very well.

3. Heat Bags

Once your doctor gives you a go ahead, fill your bathtub with warm water enough to immerse your lady bits, sit and soak for 15 – 20 minutes. Add herbs that has various postpartum benefits.

4. Sitz Bath

A Peri Bottle is a spritz bottle filled with water that you will use to clean your lady bits after using the toilet.

5. Peri Bottle +Spray

Tucks are cooling pads that contain witch hazel that is used to treat hemorrhoids and other rectal/vaginal swelling at home.

6. Tucks

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All material provided is for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Please consult your doctor.