My Top 6 Cloth Diapering Issues 

Most of my cloth diapering strategies came from hours and hours of Google and trial and error.

After using cloth with 2 kids I am not an amateur anymore. But it took a lot of testing, trying and stripping to get here.

There are times that I preached cloth diapers from the top of my roof and times when I sneaked some disposable diapers under my baby’s bums. But we stuck together through thick and thin.

My reason to cloth diaper was to save money. I hate to spend money on things that don’t add value to our lives.

1. Buying cheap diapers:

This was another reason why my diapers wore out rapidly that it was supposed to be. Because the less diapers you have the more they get laundered.

2. Not Buying enough diapers:

I was so afraid of using cloth diapers at the night. Now when I look back I don’t know what I was afraid of. Night diapering is all about absorbency and trial and error.

3. Night time Cloth Diapering:

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