How to Treat Cracked Nipples while Breastfeeding

Cracked nipples are one of the main causes to many us wanting to give up on breastfeeding, however, I am here to tell you that cracked nipples is widely preventive.

While it is painful, it is possible to still breastfeed with cracked nipples and you should to maintain your milk supply. Make sure baby has a proper latch to help prevent further breakdown.

Here I will discuss how you can treat cracked nipples and a number of ways you can breastfeed while having cracked nipples.

– reddening of the nipple – nipple soreness – crusting – bleeding or oozing – scabs forming on nipples – crusty or flaky skin

Symptoms of Cracked Nipples

The breast milk contains many nutrients that can contribute to the healing of cracked nipples. After feeding rub the excess milk around your nipples.

Home Remedies to Treat Cracked Nipples

One of the best ways to heal cracked nipples at home is to let them air dry. That's right; take your shirt off and let your breasts air-dry.

When cracked nipples have become painful it is possible to use a nipple shield to breastfeed.

How to Breastfeed with Cracked Nipples

Changing positions while breastfeeding can also help to prevent cracked nipples. For example, the football hold helps your baby obtain a deep latch.

Limit the time your baby is on the breast to 10-15 minutes every 3 hours. If there is still milk left in the cracked nipple breast then try and pump it out.

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All material provided is for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Please consult your doctor.