Pregnancy First Trimester Checklist For Every New Moms

Finding out you are pregnant is such an exciting time! The moment you get your positive pregnancy test, it can feel like there’s so much to do to have a healthy pregnancy and prepare for baby.

To get you started on the right track, I’ve put together the ultimate first trimester to do list.

This way, you can rest assured you are doing everything possible to grow and nourish a healthy baby. We’ll also make sure you’re getting organized and taking care of logistics, too.

They make up for any vitamins and nutrients that may be lacking in our diet and give a boost of some of the most important nutrients for your baby.

1. Start taking a prenatal vitamin

Finding out early in pregnancy what to expect for costs associated with your prenatal care and delivery is essential for planning and budgeting for baby.

2. Look into your insurance coverage

If you haven’t already chosen a provider for your pregnancy, I definitely recommend doing a little research before just calling your regular OB.

3. Schedule a prenatal appointment

It can be reassuring to have an early scan to help ease your fears and anxieties. It also helps everything feel so much more real!

4. Book a first trimester scan

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All material provided is for your information only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. Please consult your doctor.